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Should I Be Concerned About Condensation/Moisture?Updated 5 months ago

Seeing condensation on the lens of your LED bar can concerning at first but rest assured knowing our lights are IP 68 rated meaning they are function proof against dust/water ingress.


Condensation can still form however due to pressure deltas that can exist between outside the lens and internally within the light unit itself. Typically this type of lens condensation will not last long outside of extreme temperature/pressure variance and/or can be cleared by running the lights for approx. 1 hour (if you see improvement but not fully cleared, continue longer). The lens cover itself can be removed as well for faster venting but we would only recommend this in extreme cases.


If you are finding 'puddling' water at the bottom of your unit, this may be beyond simple condensation/pressure issues. This may indicate a breach of your weatherproofing seal. The protective lens and cap frame can be removed for full drying and to inspect the seal. Additional silicone can be added if needed before replacing the lens and cap frame.


In the event of condensation or excessive moisture penetrates your housing, the lights will continue to operate. 


If the above information does not help resolve the moisture concerns for your unit, please reach out to us and well see if we can help further! In case of a full breach a replacement may be needed. 

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